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AGM - Tuesday 21st May

AGM - Tuesday 21st May

Kevin West9 May - 08:27
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Notice of the Club and SCIO AGM

The committee hereby provides notice of the upcoming AGMs that are scheduled to be on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 20:00 in the clubhouse.

The AGMs are the Club and SCIO’s Annual General Meetings which is a great opportunity for members to have their say as well as hear about all the work that has been going on behind the scenes.

The full agenda is below along with the proposed motions and if you have any additional items or motions to propose, please get in touch with myself or another committee member asap. The order of proceedings will be the AGM for CRFC followed immediately by the AGM for the Pavilion SCIO.

1. Apologies
2. Minutes from 2022/23 AGM
a. Matters Arising
b. Approval of Previous Minutes

3. President's Report
4. Rugby Report
5. Commercial Report
6. Minis Report
7. Treasurer's Report
8. Motions
a) Disciplinary Committee Adoption
b) split in subs payments to include SCIO
c) Subs Price Review

9. Committee Member Vacancies/ Election of Office Bearers
Positions to be fulfilled:
- Vice President - commercial
- Club Secretary
- Communications Secretary
- Fixture Secretary

Positions to be ratified:
- VP Rugby Men - Byram Tavadia
- VP Rugby Women - Adrian Henry

12. Confirmation of Audit Process
11. AOCB

Pavilion SCIO AGM 2023/2024
1. Apologies
2. Pavilion Report
3. Treasurers Report

If anyone requires any further info or papers in advance of the meeting please get in touch with the committee.


AGM 2023 - Minutes

Further reading